About Us
The Cabarrus County Home School Association (CCHSA) is a non-profit, non-denominational, Christian home school support group dedicated to providing resources, and encouragement to home educators and their families to ensure long term educational success. CCHSA was founded in 1986 by families who chose to home school, at least in large part, because they desired to assure Godly influences upon the lives of their children. CCHSA is not a church, but all decisions are approached from a Biblical perspective. While we do not wish to exclude any homeschool families in our community, we reserve the right to limit membership to families who follow traditional Biblical standards. As a group, we plan and conduct activities in accordance with Christian values. Our desire is to display the best possible image of home education to our community while acting in a way that will be glorifying to God.

Ways We Serve the Homeschool Community
CCHSA is a volunteer-based association that provides support through guidance, feedback, and suggestions to our members.
We host events such as park play dates, field trips, dances, proms, and graduation.
We have a youth led community service program to instill civic and mission responsibilities.
We have a youth led Yearbook Staff who produce our annual yearbook to document our cherished memories.

Join CCHSA Today
CCHSA is a community association run exclusively on the generosity of volunteer time and the receipt of annual dues. All approved members will be emailed an invoice with details on how to submit payment. Membership will not be fully processed until the annual dues of $25 are received by the CCHSA treasurer. Membership dues are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Fee Waivers will be available on a limited basis for families who are unable to pay annual membership fees. Please email us to confidentially request a waiver.
To request Membership, complete this registration form: CCHSA Membership Registration
Once you have been approved for membership you will need to become a member of the website (site member) by signing up here.